Make a life-changing impact this Christmas

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Being able to access financial assistance for early intervention makes a huge difference for low-income families. It’s meaningful and appreciated, and it’s made a positive impact for children.

Families just want what’s best for their child but in the current economic climate and especially with NDIS driving up the costs of early intervention across the board, there’s definitely a big gap.

Joanne Pearsall, Senior Speech and Language Therapist, KU Children’s Services

KU has always upheld its commitment of inclusion for all children enrolling in our services and programs but what we have become increasingly aware of is the number of children with additional needs who are very likely not to receive early intervention support before starting school.

For young families living below the poverty line, being able to make ends meet is exceptionally difficult, let alone the stress of not being able to afford professional help for their children who are experiencing:

  • delays with speech and language or motor skills,
  • anxiety or severe separation,
  • grief or exposure to trauma,
  • difficulty socialising with other children, or
  • living with autism.

No one wants to see a child self-isolate, exhibit frustrations through challenging behaviours, or be ostracised in play or group activities.

Why your support counts

By donating today, you’ll be helping deliver initiatives that create greater inclusion for all children, like alleviating financial barriers for children from low-income families to:

  • access Allied Health assessments and therapy,
  • build self-confidence, social skills, language and motor skills for inclusion in learning activities, play, and in friendships,
  • improve educational and life outcomes, and
  • equip families with strategies to better support their child’s development and navigate healthcare and NDIS systems.


This was such a great opportunity for the family to access the therapy Keira (name changed) required before starting school. She had problems with hearing and speech, was hard to understand and would cry every day. Having the therapy really helped her to develop her expressive language and social skills to connect with others and form friendships. While she still requires support, she’s adjusted to going to school now and has made new friends.

KU Educator

Every tax-deductible dollar donated contributes to making a life changing impact for children, their families, and community.

Please give generously to the KU Marcia Burgess Foundation Christmas Appeal and help create greater inclusion for all children.

Why early intervention matters

A child’s first five years are especially crucial for physical, intellectual, and social-emotional development. For children with additional and complex needs, access to early intervention support, is vital and particularly as they prepare for their transition to school.

Joanne Pearsall is a Senior Speech and Language Therapist with KU’s Early Intervention and Allied Health Services, a NDIS compliant provider. Joanne spoke about the impact of access to early intervention for children from low-income families.


In the worst-case scenario, if a child is not confident and given the support to build their skills, then they never catch up to their peers, especially in language and literacy. You see the affects many years down the track, as they get further behind.

Children we see through the program make quick progress and it’s great to see them improve in a way that they are ready, either to go to school or to participate in early education settings more effectively. We try to go above and beyond to provide families with education, strategies and links to other services and supports to help make an ongoing impact in their child’s life.

I don’t think this kind of financial assistance is generally available. Families usually receive a stock standard response that ‘no, you have to go on the lengthy public health waitlist, or you’ll have to have to pay full fees’, which they can’t afford. So, it’s a big relief if they can access financial support for an assessment to understand what’s happening for their child, and if needed access a block of therapy sessions.

Joanne Pearsall,

Senior Speech and Language Therapist

Together we can take make a profound social impact, premised on a framework of evidence-based best practice, which meets the individual needs and inclusion of all children.

The meaningful gift you donate today will be a life changer for a child, a family, and a community.

Thank you for your support.