KU Peninsula Preschool in Tanilba Bay has achieved an ‘Exceeding’ rating under the early childhood National Quality Standard.
The centre joins the 85% of KU services that have received an ‘Exceeding’ rating, outstripping the national average of just 31% (Source: Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority).
The rating recognises KU Peninsula’s commitment to providing high quality early childhood education, and the strong relationships that exist between the centre’s children, families, staff and local community.
“At KU Peninsula, we believe that community plays an important role in each child’s development and nurtures a sense of security and belonging,” said KU Peninsula Director, Mark Taylor.
“We have a strong connection with our local community, and we regularly take the children on outings to our local nursing home, veterans day centre, primary school, library truck, waterfront and koala habitat.”
“Our connections with our community help the children to find their place in the world, develop an understanding of how society works, and recognise and understand the shared values that underpin our immediate community and wider society,” said Mark.
KU Peninsula provides high quality early childhood education for children aged 2 – 5 years and is currently taking enrolments. For more information, contact the Director, Mark Taylor on 4982 3398.