Celebrating 75 Years of the AMEP


1 August 2023

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2023 commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP).

The AMEP is a free service funded by the Australian Department of Home Affairs to help eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants with low English levels to improve their English language skills and settle into Australia.

Since 1948 the program has helped over 2 million migrants settle in Australia, making it Australia’s largest and longest running settlement program.

On Wednesday 26 July, Navitas Skilled Futures commemorated this special milestone, along with their own 25th anniversary of delivering the AMEP, by holding an event at The Highline Venue in Bankstown, Sydney.

The event was attended by 65 guests from a wide range of community organisations including KU Children’s Services (KU), Settlement Services International, STARTTS, the Settlement Council of Australia and more, to celebrate the successes of the program over the last 75 years.

One of the highlights of the event was past and current students from the AMEP sharing moving stories about overcoming challenges and reaching their goals with the support of the program.

In attendance from KU was Natalie Grenfell, General Manager Inclusion Programs, and Sabira Sukurma, Manager AMEP and Community Programs.

“It was truly heartwarming to be part of this special event commemorating 75 years of the AMEP, where we celebrated the success of countless migrants and humanitarian entrants who have embraced a new life in Australia through improved English language skills,” said Ms Sukurma.

“For over 37 years, KU has proudly supported these families with their childcare needs while they study, ensuring their young children have access to high quality learning, caring and educational environments.”

Children from KU’s AMEP services created artworks that were on display at the event, along with positive testimonials from parents, confirming the huge appreciation for KU’s educators, and recognising the strong community connections that exist between children, families and the program.

For more information about AMEP childcare services provided by KU visit https://www.ku.com.au/childcare/about/amep

About the AMEP

If you know someone in your family or community with limited or no English skills, let them know about the AMEP. Learning English will help them participate more in the Australian community, including to make friends, find a job, study and help their family settle.

Flexible learning options are available, including face to face classes, online classes and distance learning. Study options include full-time, part-time, weekend and evening classes to suit your schedule.

AMEPOnline is a publicly available free e-learning website you can use to learn English anywhere, at any time, on any device, offering interactive e-learning across five English language levels.

For more information about the AMEP visit https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/settling-in-australia/amep/about-the-program

Photography by AMEP Campbelltown student https://www.linherwedding.com/

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